Wednesday, March 21, 2007

~Mardi Gras~

For my mini Mardi Gras vacation, I decided to start it a little early by not attending my classes on the Monday before the day we were actually out of class on Tuesday. That Sunday after I got off of work, I went home to Mississippi to visit my family since I had not seen them since our Christmas vacation. I really enjoyed spending quality time with them. I also met up with some friends form high school, and we went to go see a movie at the theatre. We had fun just chilling together. I did not attend any parades this year. I was upset about that. I had to work for the one parade that I did want to go to back at home. That's really the one time that I actually get to see everyone that I went to school with cause everyone comes home for Mardi Gras. But other than tha tI had a wonderful mini vacation.

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